Fashion is Devastating
But it doesn’t have to be
Your Purchases
have Power
StyleSaint’s Impact to Date by the Numbers...

StyleSaint’s Impact to Date by the Numbers...
Fashion is the
2nd largest user of water
in the world
Compared to industry average,
we use 99.5% less water
per garment
The Water Mark tracks the gallons of water you saved just by shopping StyleSaint
StyleSaint’s Impact to Date by the Numbers...
Fashion is the
2nd most polluting industry
in the world
We use
sustainable, earth-loving
luxury fabrics
The Fabric Footprint tracks the yards of sustainable fabric you created just by shopping StyleSaint
StyleSaint’s Impact to Date by the Numbers...
Fashion is one of the
most exploitative industries
in the world
Even after adjusting for the cost of living, we pay 2,000% more
than fast-fashion factory wages
more, even after adjusting for cost of living
The Karma Counter tracks the hours of ethical labor paid to American factory workers just by shopping StyleSaint
StyleSaint’s Impact to Date by the Numbers...